Phones, laptops, and tablets

This page describes how to join the two main wireless networks at EHS if you are using the most common wireless devices such as phones, tablets, and laptops. Please look at the scenarios below to see which network is appropriate for you. The process for joining is the same for both EHS-Mobile and EHS1200X.

I am a student and…

  • I am using a phone or tablet…  join EHS-Mobile
  • I am using a personal laptop from home… join EHS-Mobile
  • I am using a school-owned or school-managed laptop… join EHS1200X
  • I am using a game system or other “smart” device… see EHS-Game and Wired Devices

I am an adult and…

  • I am using a phone or tablet… join EHS-Mobile
  • I am using a school computer… join EHS1200X
  • I am using my personal laptop… join EHS-Mobile
  • I am using a “smart” TV, DVD players, game system, Nest, etc…  see Registering for EHS-Resident

Joining EHS1200X or EHS-Mobile

On your wireless device, go into your network settings or control panel to select a wireless network.

Select either EHS1200X or EHS-Mobile.  Enter your school username (ghk or 19JAMESR for example) and your network password.

Click “Trust” or “Accept” on the following screen to accept the security settings for this network.

Voila!  Wireless.