All posts by admin

Connecting to the G and F Drives from Off Campus – OSX (Mac)

The following instructions show you how to connect to the F and G drives on the EHS employee file server. Many people have moved over to having all of their files on Google Drive, but those who have shared folders may want to connect to the file server while off campus.

The F drive is your personal folder and will be slightly different for all users. The G drive is common to everyone but everyone has different rights to different folders.

Continue reading Connecting to the G and F Drives from Off Campus – OSX (Mac)

Connecting to the G and F Drives from off campus – windows

The following instructions show you how to connect to the F and G drives on the EHS employee file server. Many people have moved over to having all of their files on Google Drive, but those who have shared folders may want to connect to the file server while off campus.

The F drive is your personal folder and will be slightly different for all users. The G drive is common to everyone but everyone has different rights to different folders.

Continue reading Connecting to the G and F Drives from off campus – windows